
meets data.
The fast, user-friendly data dashboard
Wazimap is a comprehensive GIS and data analysis tool used by local governments, civil society organisations and corporate social responsibility programmes to help them…

Inform and engage
Explore relationships between geography, population and resources
Wazimap is the map-based data dashboard that provides the richest and easiest to use interface for encouraging community participation in local issues. It tells the story of an area by merging datasets together to provide context within a click.

Step-by-step support
Prepare, publish and promote your data
With over 10 years experience curating data for engagement and usability, OpenUp will work with you to ensure that your Wazimap profile achieves the highest impact possible for your organisation or users.
Plan and collaborate
Communicate needs and plan effectively with colleagues and stakeholders
Wazimap is the map-based explorer that supports real understanding of local conditions. It makes resource planning and decision making easy.

Getting your own Wazimap is easy
We help clean and curate your data
High quality, organised data is the foundation of great data presentation. We have years of experience sourcing, cleaning, curating and maintaining data. Let us help you get started!
Choose contextual data from our collections
Relying on highly focused datasets can only take your dashboard so far. Use our large library of supporting datasets and point data collections to create powerful narratives.
Draw on our expertise for support and training
Need assistance with your dashboard? Our team is available to assist with any level of technical support. From setup and onboarding to curation and maintenance.
Request a demo
Enter your email address below and a member of our team will contact you to schedule a demo.